At least there were debates. Now they have almost shut up.

Happy nudes and angry comrades
By Satoru Nagoya

Since Shintaro Ishihara, a writer-turned-politician widely regarded as a nationalist with macho inclination, was elected as Tokyo’s new governor, some people may think that a stronger, more self-supportive attitude will emerge in Tokyo and its art world. I am one of those anxious for such positive change. Nevertheless, what I have seen in the Tokyo art scene recently is more of a feminist outcry.

Last year a debate over feminist art heated up in a Japanese-language art magazine named “LR.” The debate erupted between a male senior staff art writer of a major vernacular daily and the coalition of a female museum curator and a university professor (also female). The museum curator had organized an exhibition on how the weaker sex has been represented in art history at her prefectural museum in the northern Kanto area, and the professor – an expert in Italian art history at a national university near Tokyo – is known for feminist, leftist stance.

The female protagonists contended that women have long been oppressed in a male-controlled society; in male-dominated art history too, women were no more than nude objects exploited by male artists and their audiences. To do justice, exhibitions should continue to examine this topic today. The feminists’ male opponent maintained that, in Japan, such a view is no more than an import from the West, where feminist theories were born. Feminist curators in this country are just copying Western textbooks. And if the senior staff writer says artworks bearing feminist manifestations often lack formative quality, the feminist contenders would assert that Formalism – or its mother, Modernism – is also a product of a male-oriented culture that has put a limit on female expression.

I don’t wish to judge who’s right here. However, the ongoing large-scale exhibition of Nobuyoshi Araki at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MoT) provides some very interesting hints as to whether such feminist claims are relevant or not. In the exhibition, entitled: “Sentimental Photography, Sentimental Life,” the renowned photographer is showing his trademark nudes and other kinds of work, including photographs of colorful flowers. Araki is rather notorious among some women and often a target of feminist attack. They claim that in his nude images (most of them with explicitly erotic atmospheres) the photographer debases women and exploits the female sex.

If their claim is true, however, what about those young women who pose so delightedly in the photographer’s works? Many of them are ordinary girls who seem to be happy with the opportunity to become models for Araki. They do not seem to feel “debased” or “exploited” – having become nude models of their own free will.

The exhibition also reveals that Araki, whose works (until five years ago) caused police to raid galleries on suspicion of “exposure of obscenity,” is no longer an enfant terrible who challenges public order. He has evolved into a wise artist who prudently avoids any confrontation with authorities or with dangerous people. The works on show at MoT include a shot of right-wingers waving Hinomaru flags at the Imperial Palace to offer congratulations to the Imperial family at New Year’s. This photo, however, is carefully separated from the photos of nudes. There are no shots explicitly showing any sexual acts. (Japanese police accepted exposure of pubic hair a long time ago, but they are still nervous about showing genitalia and sexual acts.) Above all, the exhibition is cosponsored by the publisher of the Asahi Shimbun, the newspaper regarded as Japan’s champion of good sense.

In the exhibition catalog, MoT’s chief curator Junichi Shioda says: “Araki’s photographs are like a mirror, reflecting the reality in which we live. This includes Tokyo, a city of obscene energy and inhuman emptiness.” Admittedly, Tokyo has many obscene aspects, but is Shioda the kind of man who spends most of his night life in Kabukicho or Yoshiwara? If not, whose “reality” is that?

For anyone who is going to start a battle, it is wise to first consolidate his or her own camp. Before blaming men for exploiting women, feminists should persuade their comrades of the female sex never to pose for Araki – or for any other male artists – so voluntarily and happily; and what about liberating those oppressed female workers of all nationalities in Kabukicho?

The exhibition: “Sentimental Photography, Sentimental Life” continues until July 4 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, in Kiba.

Satoru Nagoya is a freelance art journalist in Tokyo.

(June 1999 issue of Plant, a Tokyo Journal culture supplement)

名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー12 地下鉄アート




















コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部西洋史学専修卒業。卒論は「オルテガにおける歴史哲学の研究」。読売新聞記者を経てジャパンタイムズ記者に。都政などのあとクラシック音楽、ブラジルポップ音楽、能楽、西洋・東洋・現代美術などを担当。以後フリーランス。日本語と英語で執筆。95年からミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。これまでに「産経新聞」「毎日新聞」「信濃毎日新聞」「朝日新聞」「週刊金曜日」「美術手帖」、「ART AsiaPacific」(豪)、「Art on Paper」(ニューヨーク)などに寄稿。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー11 見続ける楽しみ ――ことし前半の展覧会から


















コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部西洋史学専修卒業。ミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー10  グローバルジャパン

















コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部西洋史学専修卒業。卒論は「オルテガにおける歴史哲学の研究」。読売新聞記者を経てジャパンタイムズ記者に。都政などのあとクラシック音楽、ブラジルポップ音楽、能楽、西洋・東洋・現代美術などを担当。以後フリーランス。日本語と英語で執筆。95年からミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。これまでに「産経新聞」「毎日新聞」「信濃毎日新聞」「朝日新聞」「週刊金曜日」「美術手帖」、「ART AsiaPacific」(豪)、「Art on Paper」(ニューヨーク)などに寄稿。美術評論家連盟会員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


Seems that it's actually been shut down for some time.

Shutdown time
by Satoru Nagoya

By the time this essay is published, Tokyo will have a new governor, someone from six viable candidates - of whom all but one had conservative platforms. According to polls conducted by the media beginning of April, maverick Shintaro Ishihara was leading the race with a considerable margin over runner-up Kunio Hatoyama, recommended by the Democratic Party of Japan.

Whoever has become the new governor, he will face pressing challenges like tackling financial difficulties, taking precautions against major earthquakes and creating an ideal welfare system for the aged - as most of the candidates actually suggested during their campaigns. For the time being, however, there will be little chance for the governor to show his wisdom in dealing with cultural policies, but, depending on the election's outcome, Tokyo's art people will be affected by this nevertheless.

As shown in his polemic book co-authored 10 years ago, "The Japan That Can Say No," Ishihara, a writer and a former transport minister, has a leaning toward nationalism. Since his days as a Lower House member, he has been regarded a hero of patriotic right-wingers who would like to see the Yokota (U.S.) Air Base, located on Tokyo's western outskirts, returned to the Japanese.

Ishihara campaigned 24 years ago for the gubernatorial office but suffered a dramatic defeat by leftist Ryokichi Minobe. In line with the liberals, Ishihara lately said he would hand over many city-run enterprises to the private sector, because private initiatives can handle business often better than public officials do.

In terms of art enterprises this translates to whether the present state- or city-run museums should become private organizations or not.

Museums under the auspices of the Tokyo metropolitan government, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), may already be anticipating the possible loss of public support in the near future. This could take place after the planned "privatization" of state-run museums by 2001 (as I wrote in this column in the February issue).

Fears peaked when Chimpei Nozue (he withdrew his candidacy for governor in early March) said he would shut down MOT if elected, an institution with an annual deficit of nearly ¥2 billion. But not only candidates like Nozue oppose the way how city-museums are run nowadays. When I asked some art critics how they felt about his proposal, they categorically said: "Oh, I hope they will shut down MOT immediately!" (probably disapproving MOT's curatorial policies).

If Ishihara is elected, the drive for privatizing MOT and other Tokyo government-run museums will continue as it would with candidates like Yoichi Masuzoe (a liberal) or Yasushi Akashi (a conservative). Eventually, the new confrontation in the art world will be over whether the general public and government should protect art or if art should be left to the goodwill of limited individual supporters. 

In the meantime, where is art heading these days anyway? Bad examples have been seen in exhibitions on feminism and the environment, where art was taken hostage and misused under social and political pretexts.

I personally hope Ishihara will have won the race when you read this column. He may do justice to the arts - more than Hatoyama, who put forth this shameless slogan about a "romantic revolution for Tokyo."

What art today lacks is absolute individuality, independence and strength - enough to keep itself free from yardsticks of a public easily attracted by mediocrity.

(Editor's note: Ishihara won the election handily.) 

Satoru Nagoya is a freelance art journalist living in Tokyo.

(May 1999 issue of "Plant," a Tokyo Journal culture supplement)

名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー9 謝罪と絵画 ――中村一美展を見て



















コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部卒業。ミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。美術評論家連盟会員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


Technology just turned the box into tablets.

Art in an idiot box
by Satoru Nagoya

In this series of essays, I have often warned Japanese art people against being blinded by cheap, flashy art trends, especially those from overseas. Three noticeable art events reflecting superficial art fashion came to Tokyo in March - which I didn’t want to overlook. All of them took up television or video as the basis or medium of art, in line with the recent worldwide trend of dematerializing art and transforming it into audio-visual information.

"Akihabara TV" started late last month in a district also popular among foreign visitors to Tokyo: Akihabara "Electric Town." On TV monitors for sale at 20-odd electric appliance stores scattered all over the district, some 25 artists from Japan and abroad showed - with the stores' permission - their respective video works.
Event organizers stated that "Akihabara TV," putting artistic software into hardware in Akihabara, would vitalize the town to become the world’s most exciting place. Artist Masato Nakamura, who led the event, is known for such works as replicas of signboards of major convenience store chains and of McDonald’s logotypes.

It is natural to suppose that such works (and the Akihabara event itself) involved tough negotiations beforehand with companies skeptical about the use of their trademarks or store fronts, and with Nakamura (and his staff) persuading the companies that his art would do no harm to their business.

However, how can art that has been adjusted to get along with industry or society be exciting or radical? In fact, my impression after browsing some of the art in Akihabara was that the works, in terms of both definition and impact, were no rivals at all to ordinary TV images with news or sports content on the surrounding TV monitors.

According to the press release, "ART in Living Room" is a three-day event which was held March 20-22 at the Contemporary Art Factory, a nonprofit alternative gallery in Tokyo’s Sumida Ward. It featured the latest works of video art from Europe: art by some 30 well-known artists including Ilya Kabakov, Douglas Gordon and Christian Boltanski. Each video segment lasted up to three minutes and was shown on TV monitors.

The gallery was decorated to look like a European-style living room, so that visitors could enjoy the short video works as if watching - whether raptly or absent-mindedly - TV commercial films at home. The biggest pride of the event (which was the brainchild of energetic independent curator Emiko Kato) turned out to be that the works were selected by a charismatic young European curator called Hans-Ulrich Obrist, who is the object of inexplicable adoration among many Japanese art promoters these days.

"Spiral TV" proved to be a really tawdry event. Gathering plenty of eye-catching stuff at Spiral Garden in the Omotesando area between March 10 and March 28, it centered on what organizers described as a temporary "TV station." This concept drew attention in Europe two years ago, when Fabrice Hybert, a French artist, turned his country’s pavillion at the 1997 Venice Biennale into a mock TV station, which subsequently won him the country prize. Hybert is now the "producer" of "Spiral TV," which "broadcast" programs to TV monitors in the Spiral building. "Spiral TV" leaflets advertised an open photo session with noted photographer Nobuyoshi Araki shooting semi-nude young women at the event’s opening.

It may be true that one of the latest and most conspicuous trends in art around the world is turning towards transitory images in cathode-ray tubes or on liquid-crystal screens, which wise people once termed "the idiot box." However, real curators and art promoters of insight should know that the most radical, progressive things often appear in an obscure, old-fashioned form.

In the meantime, it is expected that the person who masterminded the "Spiral TV" project, renowned art coordinator Fumio Nanjo (interviewed in the February issue of PLANT) will become one of the directors of a Japan Foundation-sponsored large-scale international contemporary art exhibition scheduled for the year 2001. Thereafter, it might turn into a triennial event. If so, judging from the nature of "Spiral TV," at least part of the 2001 exhibition will be so spectacular that some visitors might be tempted to give it an unforgettable name: "Idiotriennale."

Satoru Nagoya is a freelance art journalist living in Tokyo.

(April 1999 issue of "Plant," a Tokyo Journal culture supplement)

名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー8 COJ



ジパング大学ローカル政策学科3年 ジョンタロウ・サトウキム

1 歴史と現況







2 提案







コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。ミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。美術評論家連盟会員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


Still going on without the roots.

Gone with the roots
by Satoru Nagoya

This time I would like to give an example for a good showcase concerning Japan’s contemporary art. 

"VOCA" is the name of an annual exhibition currently taking place at the Ueno Royal Museum, a few minutes’ walk from JR’s Ueno Station. VOCA stands for "vision of contemporary art," and the exhibition started in 1994 as a painting competition for artists of younger generations. Why painting? The organizers thought painting is the basic form of visual arts, and in a time when such new ways of expression as installation, photography, video and "virtual" (computer) art are prevailing, it would be significant to reexamine the basics to get a clear vision of contemporary art as a whole.

For the VOCA project, 30-odd art experts from around Japan, including local museum curators, art critics (hyoronka) and art journalists, are appointed every year as "recommenders" by the exhibition organizers, and each of the experts suggests an artist up to the age of 40. All artists selected can exhibit one work measuring 250 x 400 centimeters at the most. Their contributions are documented in a catalogue, along with messages by the "recommenders." Essays by members of a judging panel include: the directors of the National Museum of Western Art and the Kanagawa Prefecture Museum of Modern Art, two professors of a major private art university and, in this year’s case, the director of the Utsunomiya Museum of Art. The catalog texts are in both Japanese and English.

The judges award one artist with the VOCA Prize, accompanied by ¥3 million in prize money. Four other artists receive VOCA encouragement prizes, with ¥1.5 million each. The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Co. sponsors the exhibition, keeps award-winning works, and later exhibits them at a gallery in the company’s headquarters in Hibiya. The exhibition is open to foreign artists too, three participated in the past: American Makoto Fujimura, Brazilian Oscar Satio Oiwa and Catalan Vicenc Viaplana.

In this year’s exhibition, which opened Feb. 20, a total of 33 artists are showing. The first prize went to Miwa Yanagi, a rising artist known for her computer-processed color photographs of department store companions in surrealistic settings. The work she is showing now is similar and marks the first time that pure photography has won the VOCA Prize.

Encouragement prize winners include Yuumi Domoto and Yukie Ishikawa, whose works are sort of orthodox abstract paintings. (Readers, please don’t think that I took up this subject because I am one of the "recommenders" and want to complain that the artist I suggested unfortunately didn’t win a prize.)

It has come as no surprise that the prize for "painting" has been given to an artist working in photography. At last year’s VOCA, where a few photographic works already drew attention, judges said photographs and even video projections should not be omitted from this exhibition, considering that - just like oil or acrylic paintings - these works too are made of pigments: pigments of light.

Photography is an interesting medium in itself and is in vogue among contemporary artists the world over. However, where has gone VOCA’s lofty ideal of rethinking, or perhaps reconstructing, the basics for Japan’s contemporary art by examining the roots? Is VOCA becoming one of those many art events that just introduce world contemporary art fashions?

Following this year’s VOCA, some artists may give up painting in favor of often easier and more fashionable photography or video, and many curators and hyoronka will be even more encouraged to propagate such new media as the harbinger of art in the 21st century. Under these circumstances, the fact that the last Turner Prize of Britain was awarded to African painter Chris Ofili means a lot. With his exuberantly colorful works - at times using elephant dung - he’s the first painter to win the prestigious and often controversial prize in 13 years. Missing the underlying significance of this development in London, Japanese art promoters seem still crazy to import the most superficial art movements from abroad. Rather than reevaluating the basis of art, they prefer to continue on safe and tested platforms - those of public art projects serving big architecture.

Satoru Nagoya is a freelance art journalist living in Tokyo.

(March 1999 issue of "Plant," a Tokyo Journal culture supplement)

名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー7 ヴァーカ展









 3月は現代美術界でVOCA展の時季。Vision of Contemporary Art(現代美術の展望)の略で「ヴォーカ」と読む。1994年から毎年、上野の森美術館で行われている、現代絵画の登竜門とかいわれる公募だ。

















 推薦する人たちはどうなの? あんたも95年から去年まで推薦委員やってたし。







 同じことを、つまらん文化祭をやってるビール会社にも言ってやれ。なぜ同クラスならどの会社のビールも値段が一緒なのか? 他社より1円でも下げれば皆それを買う。貧しい酒飲み画家は浮いた金で絵の具を買える。それがビール会社の文化支援というものだ。

コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。ミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。美術評論家連盟会員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


Minhas respostas a uma jornalista brasileira

– Grandes museus ocidentais, como o MoMA, o Guggenheim, a London Royal Academy e a Pinacoteca de Paris, estão realizando exposições de artistas japoneses, de diferentes períodos e estilos. Ano passado, Yayoi Kusama se transformou numa estrela internacional. Você poderia comentar esse interesse pela arte japonesa no exterior?

Não é novidade. No final do século 19, gravuras tradicionais japonesas trazidas à Europa até influenciaram grandes artistas pós-impressionistas de lá. Após uma longa pausa durante a maioria do século 20, nas últimas décadas o influxo de cultura japonesa no Ocidente recomeçou, desta vez precedido por cultura popular, tais como mangá e animê (aquelas gravuras trazidas à Europa também eram de cultura popular, tipo mangá daquele então). Agora a arte contemporânea japonesa com toque dessa cultura popular está seguindo. O que não mudou é a preferência, por parte do mundo ocidental, a algo exótico, estranho, fora da modalidade modernista ou ocidental (o movimento japonês Gutai, meio abstrato com um contexto internacional, foi uma rara exceção). O Orientalismo existe, e cada vez mais.

– Acredita que artistas mais comerciais, como Kusama e Takashi Murakami, ajudam a incentivar esse interesse?

Acredito. Porque Kusama e Murakami satisfazem muito bem as expetativas da gente do Ocidente, tanto os curadores e galeristas quanto o público. Ambos viraram estrelas no Ocidente antes que no próprio Japão. Kusama é conhecida como psicopata – meio louca, mas, na verdade, ela parece ser bem sã e inteligente –, baixinha, de olhos alargados e cabelo verde ou vermelho, muito exótica. Já o Murakami tem jeito de uma criança descomunal, esquisito, quase que um palhaço. Creio que essas aparências ajudaram eles muito a ser famosos no Ocidente, além de seus trabalhos. E essas suas impressões reforçam e reproduzem as imagens e expetativas ocidentais à cerca de arte japonesa.

– Ou você acha que ainda há muito pouco conhecimento sobre a arte japonesa, especialmente a contemporânea?

Acho muito forte. Por exemplo, como no Ocidente ainda atuam pintores abstratos muito importantes – o alemão Gerhard Richter, o francês Bernard Frize, e o brasileiro Paulo Pasta, entre outros , no Japão também existem artistas jovens que trabalham com abstração e que não têm cabelo verde nem jeito de palhaço. Mas a arte abstrata contemporânea do Japão sempre perde, fica desconhedida ou ignorada no resto do mundo, não por falta de qualidade, mas sim pela preferência fixa da gente do exterior. É uma pena.

Entrevista realizada por email no dia 20 de janeiro de 2013.

Muito obrigado, prezada Claudia Sarmento! – Satoru Nagoya

名古屋覚の管見ギャラリー6 スリッパ蛮国



















コラムニスト、美術ジャーナリスト 名古屋 覚(なごや・さとる)
1967年東京生まれ。ミラノ発行の英文現代美術誌「Flash Art」日本通信員。美術評論家連盟会員。秋田公立美術大学非常勤講師。


Then they became publicly funded art kindergartens.

Privatize national museums?

by Satoru Nagoya

In the last column I pointed out the decline of art criticism in Japan, which has scarcely existed so far. Now I will focus on the rise of a dispute among art people regarding national museums.

Since early last year, many art experts, including current and former curators at national and other public museums, have been disputing the Japanese government's plans to "privatize" national museums.

The idea emerged in late 1997 as part of the national government's sluggish project to reform its administration. If the project is carried out with no further hindrance, the seven currently state-run museums in Japan are expected to be reborn as what will be called "independent administrative corporations" by the beginning of the 2000s.

That is to say, the museums, including the Tokyo National Museum, the Kyoto National Museum, the Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo and the National Museum of Art in Osaka, will become quasi private organizations independent from the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Education which currently control such museums.

The discussion over whether "privatization" is welcome or not has grown since two Japanese-language bimonthly art opinion magazines, titled "LR" ("live and review") and "Dome" ("document of museum education"), conducted a joint questionnaire on the matter early last year, covering some 30 art experts, including museum curators and art critics.

Preceding the questionnaire, the editor of the two magazines, a former curator at a prefectural museum, had exposed the government's intention of "privatization" to the members of an email circle he runs; then the members, consisting mostly of curious and keen museum visitors, began spontaneous discussions on this matter.

Following the two magazines, some major vernacular dailies took up the matter, and an organization of art historians  many of whom are curators at public museums  also discussed the issue in its public symposiums late last year. However, the "privatization" issue has been almost undisclosed to foreigners, except for those who can read Japanese or have an acquaintance among Japanese insiders.

The better part of those who have expressed their stances towards "privatization" in the magazines' questionnaire seem to be opposing.
Only a few people are clearly in favor of this new idea.

The opponents' point of view could be summarized as: "The government should not abandon cultural support under the pretext of financial restructuring"; and, "Once 'privatized' and ruled by capital, museums might become unable to sustain activities that won't yield profit, such as research and conservation of cultural assets. Instead, they might be focusing on crowd-pulling exhibitions only."

Those who favor "privatization" cite among the merit freedom in budgetary affairs and other policies (multiple-year budgets, unrestrained fund-raising, etc.) as well as possible improvement in service.

All of them are rightfully claiming that the government should clarify in which way an "independent administrative corporation" should be structured, so they can scrutinize the pros and cons of "privatization" more carefully.

What also should be taken into consideration when discussing this matter is: Even if "privatized," the museums will probably be granted a certain amount of government subsidies; the better part of the exhibitions being held at the present national museums are already sponsored by such private corporations as major newspapers and television companies (otherwise the museums can't afford such big exhibitions anyway).

The real concern of many national museum staffers seems to be how their present safe and stable status as government employees will be affected by "privatization."

The primordial belief of many Japanese art people seems to be that "national museums" are something to be established by the state  and then granted to them, an attitude quite contrary as is the case in the United States. There, the National Gallery of Art for instance was founded by the initiative of a devoted wealthy "national" collector (Andrew Mellon) and then "given" to the national government as an institution for the nation.

I suspect that Japanese "nationals" such as museum curators and art critics are anxious about "privatization" because they fear that after a while they might not really want to run those costly and troublesome museums anymore. "Privatization" will continue to be a big issue this year. Stay tuned in this column!

Satoru Nagoya is a freelance art journalist living in Tokyo.

(February 1999 issue of "Plant," a Tokyo Journal culture supplement)